Did you know apple season has officially begun? For many of you this might seem a bit early since we typically associate fall with things like apple cider, warm apple pie and more, but there are several great varieties that are already available at your local grocery store. Look for SweeTango®, Honeycrisp and Gala.
Recently we’ve been making overnight oats with seasonal apples as it’s an easy way to make sure you have a nutritious and delicious breakfast during the mornings when things around the house can be quite hectic.
Once you make your “base” oatmeal, you can top it with just about anything that suits your fancy. Try chopped apples and sliced almonds used in this recipe as they provide the perfect “fresh crunch” to this satisfying alternative to hot oatmeal.
A couple tips to know when making overnight oats:
- Anything you add to your “base” oatmeal will hydrate with the liquid that is added so you will need to adjust your liquid accordingly and consider the consistency of what you add. In this preparation, the raisins are a perfect add to the “base” as they hydrate beautifully. Nutritious chia seeds might be another great “base” add; however, these really soak up liquid so plan for that.
- The apples and sliced almonds are a perfect morning add, just before serving or just before heading out with your to-go meal.
- Try toasting the oats prior to prepping your “base” as it enhances their flavor, particularly in this type of refrigerated prep.
- Though non-dairy ingredients are used in this recipe, Greek yogurt and/or any milk variety preferred may be substituted.