Pears: A High-Fiber Fruit


What is so great about fiber? Lots! When it comes to fruit and fiber, pears are among the leaders of the pack. A medium-sized pear has 6 grams of dietary fiber, which, for the average person, represents 24 percent of your daily fiber needs. The skin of the pear contains most of its fiber, so definitely eat the entire pear.

In a study of more than 4,500 American adults, higher fiber intake was linked to a lower body mass index. Fiber helps keep you feeling fuller, longer, which often translates to a replacement of high-calorie foods, and may lead to fewer calories consumed overall. One type of fiber, soluble fiber, absorbs water and helps to soften stool. With its ability to curb hunger and help digest foods, fiber can aid in weight loss.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is linked to a decrease in many chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and many cancers. The soluble fiber in pears has been found to lower LDL, or bad cholesterol, levels. This contributes to heart health and reduces one’s risk for cardiovascular disease.

So, how much fiber do you need per day? There is actually a tool that can help you calculate that. Generally, American adults need between 21-38 grams of fiber, with men needing to consume more than women (based on the fact that men have a higher daily caloric intake).

Fill up on pears to reap all the benefits of good-for-you fiber! Want more info on pear nutrition? Read our blog post on pears and heart health, and this one for nutritious ways to enjoy pears.
